Office of Student Life

Student Civility Program

What is the Student Civility Program?

The Student Civility Program (SCP) is an educational workshop series that engages students on topics related to personal responsibility, community safety and civil engagement. Participants will benefit from opportunities for individual reflection and increased self-awareness, exercises to improve critical thinking and interpersonal communication and support in promoting positive and healthy behavior change.   

Enrollment occurs on an ongoing, rolling basis throughout the autumn and spring semesters. Please email to schedule an appointment. 

Program Sessions

The Student Civility Program consists of two interactive sessions (up to 90 minutes each):

Session 1: Introduction: Goals and Values Identification

Session 2: Skill Building: Topics may include:

  • Social Skills and Civil Engagement
  • Gender Roles and Stereotypes
  • Sexual Health Education
  • Healthy Relationship Skills
  • Empathy and Behavior Management

Workshop Goals

  1. Participants will evaluate personal responsibility for the impact and outcome of their behavior on themselves, others and the community.
  2. Participants will establish skills for interpersonal, civil engagement within personal and professional relationships.
  3. Participants will understand how beliefs, emotions and behaviors impact the decision-making process.
  4. Participants will assess the self from a holistic health framework to improve awareness of their own health and identity.
  5. Participants will identify personal goals, values and character strengths to support self-reflection and increase personal motivation for change.

Appropriate Referrals

All students who are interested in personal growth are encouraged to attend the SCP workshop series. 

The SCP workshop series may also be appropriate for students who have been identified on campus after engaging in risky behavior or decision-making that has negatively impacted themselves, others or the community. Appropriate conduct referrals to this workshop series include students engaging in behavior indicative of bullying, harassment or coercion. Students who exhibit limited self-awareness, social skill deficits, low impulse control, boundary confusion and self-validation at the expense of others are also likely to be appropriate referrals for the SCP workshop series.


The Student Civility Program is not treatment and does not include counseling services.  The workshop provides an educational curriculum that helps students understand the major themes of personal responsibility, community safety and civility.