HIV/STI Testing
What is HIV/STI Testing?
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus and STI stands for sexually transmitted infection.
When Should I be Tested After Possible Exposure?
Chlamydia/gonorrhea: Test two weeks after possible exposure
HIV: Test one to three months after possible exposure
Syphilis: Test one month after possible exposure
If you feel that you are symptomatic (experiencing symptoms), please call the Columbus Public Health Sexual Health and Wellness Center at 614-645-7772.
Where is HIV/ STI Testing Available?
Testing is offered by the following organizations:
- Equitas Health: HIV/STI testing is currently operating at limited capacity (by appointment only and at a limited number of locations) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this is subject to change. Please visit the appointment scheduling page on their website for further information.
- Columbus Public Health: HIV/STI testing is currently operating at normal capacity, but this is subject to change. Please visit the Columbus Public Health website for further information.
- Out of the Closet (AIDS Healthcare Foundation): HIV/STI testing is currently operating at normal capacity (appointments strongly encouraged), but this is subject to change. Please visit Out of the Closet's website for further information.
- Nationwide Children's: HIV/STI testing is open to the public, with no appointment needed. Please visit Nationwide Children's website for operating hours and further information.
Contact the Ohio HIV/STI Hotline by phone at 1-800-332-2437 or by text at 614-859-OHIV (6448) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday to discuss other testing options available at this time. If you contact the Hotline after hours, leave a message and an operator will contact you as soon as possible. This service is affiliated with Equitas Health, and is not managed by The Ohio State University.
OSU Student Health Services: HIV/STI testing is still available at Student Health Services. These services will have a cost associated with them. Schedule an appointment with Student Health Services.