Office of Student Life

Wellness Coaching

What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness Coaching is a free service that provides opportunities for you to gain awareness regarding your capacity to create the life you want to live, both now and in the future. Wellness coaches take a positive approach to personal development, focusing on your strengths and using the Ten Dimensions of Wellness model as a framework for generating goals that are meaningful for you.

Common Areas of Support:

  • Stress management
  • Balancing relationships
  • Navigating transitions
  • Improving confidence

Types of Services:

  1. Individual Wellness Coaching
  2. Group Wellness Coaching
  3. Meditation Resources

Schedule Here 

If you are having difficulty finding a time to meet with one of our wellness coaches during this time, please contact

What makes coaching different from counseling?

There are many parallels between coaching and counseling that can make it easy to confuse the two services. The chart below describes some of the differences between these two distinctive student services. 

Counseling Coaching

Counseling is a service that supports college students by providing effective treatment for mental health concerns.

Wellness coaching is a service that supports college students by enhancing holistic wellness, health and success through empowering conversations about strengths and goals.

Counseling center staff are licensed mental health professionals.

Wellness coaching staff are graduate and upper-level undergraduate students who have participated in training as wellness coaches.

Counseling staff collect information about you and your concerns and work with you to decide how to best address them. Counseling staff will come alongside you on your journey toward resolving or managing these concerns.

Coaches believe you are the expert that you need, and help you to identify and trust your distinctive voice so that you can make decisions that are most appropriate for your preferred outcomes.

Both coaching and counseling can be incredibly valuable for students. If you think you'd like to seek treatment for a mental health concern, please contact Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) at 614-292-5766, or explore their website at If you want support in navigating transitions in your life, are seeking a safe place to talk through challenges or want to focus on improving your college experience through focusing on wellness and strengths, wellness coaching could be a great fit for you!