Office of Student Life

Physical Wellness

The physically well person gets an adequate amount of sleep, eats a balanced and nutritious diet, engages in exercise for 150 minutes per week, attends regular medical check-ups and practices safe and healthy sexual relations. Establishing good self-care habits and managing daily tasks are also components of physical wellness. 

Taking an Active Role in Your Physical Wellness

Determine personal and professional goals and evaluate how your current sleep, nutrition, physical activity, sexual health and substance use habits impact achieving those goals. Prioritize your physical health by noticing signs and symptoms of need and accessing the appropriate resources when necessary. Take the time to educate yourself on physical wellness by attending workshops, presentations and group activities.  

Promoting Physical Wellness In and Outside the Classroom 

The Physical Wellness Dimension encompasses a variety of health and well-being topics. We can help students build healthy habits into their daily lives with a few simple adjustments on our end including building stretch breaks into lectures, hosting walking meetings, encouraging students to take sick and mental health days, and providing healthy alternatives at events with food. Additionally, to create a more supportive environment for students who are in recovery, or who choose not to partake in alcohol or other drug use, consider alcohol free events and activities for community building and networking. We all play an important role in student wellness, the small adjustments and decisions we make can positively impact a student’s lifestyle, setting them up for success while at Ohio State.  

Examples of Physical Wellness Activities and Promotion in the Classroom: 

  • Encourage healthy sleep habits 
  • Make project, homework, and exam deadlines at times earlier in the day (i.e between 6-7p) to encourage good sleep rather than on Sundays at Midnight 
  • As a group attend a wellness centered events (lecture, fitness class, cooking class, etc) or offer extra credit for attendance 
  • Mid-lecture stretch breaks 
  • When possible host walking meetings 
  • Start class with a mindfulness activity or recorded guided meditation 
  • If providing food for meetings, class, or end of semester celebrations consider healthy options such as fruits and vegetables, hummus, salad, as opposed to (or in addition to) pizza, cookies, and other high caloric options 

Examples of Physical Wellness Activities and Promotion Outside the Classroom: 

  • Utilize a bulletin board to highlight healthy meal modifications 
  • Utilize a bulletin board to highlight grocery store shopping tips and apps to help save money 
  • Encourage healthy sleep habits 
  • Limiting late night programming during school nights 
  • Community building activities during meetings 
  • Decorate sleep masks 
  • Make stress balls 
  • Start meetings off with a mindfulness activity or recorded guided meditation 
  • Weekly Wellness Walks 
  • Stock caffeine free tea options in kitchens 
  • Attend group fitness class together 
  • Healthy Living Speaker Series 
  • Bring fitness to your residents 
  • Grocery store tour/demos  
  • Schedule cooking demos 
  • Community spice rack 
  • Community Cook Books 
  • When possible host walking meetings 
  • Reconsider serving alcohol at events, scheduling group happy hours with sober alternatives, or intentionally host events with non-alcohol activities 
  • If providing food for meetings, class, or end of semester celebrations consider healthy options such as fruits and vegetables, hummus, salad, as opposed to (or in addition to) pizza, cookies, and other high caloric options 

Physical Wellness Resources

Nutrition Resources

Sleep Resources 

Alcohol and Other Drug Resources 

Medical Resources 

Sexual Health Resources 

Physical Activity Resources