Office of Student Life

Financial Coaching Team

We are proud to have an amazing group of coaches to help serve you with your financial wellness goals! Click on each one to learn more about them:

  • If you want to meet with a specific financial coach, be sure to choose their name from the drop-down menu when scheduling.
  • We are excited to have both undergraduate and graduate student coaches to bring various perspectives and coaching styles to ALL students.
  • If you are having difficulty finding an appointment that works with your availability, please email

Check out our website for financial coaching by language.

Interested in joining the team? Learn more about volunteer and internship opportunities on our involvement page.

NOTICE: Education Service Only; No Advice is Provided

Scarlet and Gray Financial Coaching is an educational service only. We do not provide investment, legal or tax advice. The information provided is for general educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your investment, legal and/or tax advisors or to be the basis of specific trading or investment activities. If you need investment, legal and/or tax advice, please consult with one of these professionals. 

The links to third-party financial resources are provided as a convenience for informational purposes only. Neither The Ohio State University or its Student Life Student Wellness Center endorses or approves any of the products, services or opinions of the entities or individuals associated with these links. The Ohio State University and Student Life Student Wellness Center bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of any external site associated with the links provided or any subsequent links. 

Financial Coaching Staff

Joshua Bensink

Josh Bensink

Coaching Coordinator

Blake Grisvard

Scarlet & Gray Financial Student Coordinator

Grant Harris

Financial Coaching Student Coordinator

Financial Coaches

Glenn Curreli

Financial Coach

Kenny Peterson

Financial Coach

Adam Salem

Financial Coach

Namrata Bala

Financial Coach

Cal Reghi

Financial Coach

Izzy Peacock

Izzy Peacock

Financial Coach

Vik Visurakapalli

Financial Coach

Emil Petras

Wellness Coach

Blake Grisvard

Scarlet & Gray Financial Student Coordinator

Samantha Yee

Financial Coach

Grey Murray

Grey Murray

Financial Coach

Stefan Tivarus

Financial Coach

Sherry Dong

Financial Coach

Joseph Kulig

Financial Coach

Luke Hillebrand

Financial Coach

Sami Ibrahim

Financial Coach

Julian Maiolo

Wellness & Financial Coach

Sasha Pomerants

Financial Coach

Michael Karcz

Financial Coach

Jackson Tomaro

Financial Coach

Ethan Le

Financial Coach

Cordell Rubio

Wellness Coach

Eli Schmenk

Financial Coach

Deshna Kartik

Financial Coach

Hannah Mathey

Financial Coach

Rea Hederman

Financial Coach