Office of Student Life

Financial Wellness

The financially well person is fully aware of financial state and budgets, saves and manages finances in order to achieve realistic goals. Through planning, budgeting and saving the financially well person develops strategies to support the life they want to live now and in the future. 

Taking an Active Role in Your Financial Wellness

Create a monthly budget that is personalized and based on your income, expenses, wants and needs. Check your credit report annually and maintain awareness of your credit score. If you have student loans, explore the different options for loan repayment.   

Promoting Financial Wellness In and Outside the Classroom 

Finances are one of the top stressors plaguing college students today. Between tuition, fees and everyday expenses, college students often struggle with meeting basic needs and the additional stress of money (or lack thereof) can impact academic performance. By recognizing this reality, faculty and staff can support students with basic education, resources, and awareness of the impacts our decisions make on their financial burden. 

Examples of Financial Wellness Activities and Promotion in the Classroom: 

  • Allow students to submit assignments and projects virtually to help with printing costs 
  • Forward your students any scholarship, grant, and fellowship opportunities that come through your inbox 
  • Utilize iGrad to host an educational event with your class or team by watching a video and facilitating a discussion afterwards 
  • School supply basket available for students to donate to or grab extra supplies from when needed 
  • Invite a financial expert for one-on-one appointments or speaking engagement 

Examples of Financial Wellness Activities and Promotion outside the Classroom: 

  • Budgeting worksheets available for students 
  • Refer students to the on-campus food pantry, Buckeye Food Alliance 
  • Have food at events for students 
  • Host a The Price is Right event  
  • Cash Cab trivia night 

Financial Wellness Resources 

Financial Education

Basic Need Insecurity 

Financial Management Tools and Resources 

Student Loan Tools and Resources 

Other Helpful Tools and Resources