The Organization Wellness Advocates Program
The Organization Wellness Advocates (OWA) Program is a grant-based program for registered student organizations who want to intentionally learn about and incorporate wellness practices into their organization and to benefit their members. Upon completion of a three-part wellness training curriculum and approved wellness initiative proposal during the fall of 2024, student organizations will gain access to a stipend to fund their proposed wellness initiative during the spring of 2025.
Program Opportunities
The Organization Wellness Advocates Program is designed to be a partnership between the Student Wellness Center (SWC) and student facilitators to be a peer-led program. As such, there are two ways in which you can be involved:
1: Become a paid facilitator for the OWA program and work with SWC staff throughout the 2024-2025 academic year to co-create and facilitate cohort meetings and serve as a peer mentor to 2-3 organizations in the cohort.
2. Become an organizational wellness champion by serving as your organization’s participant in the OWA program.
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Organization Wellness Champion

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Organization Wellness Advocate Facilitator