Office of Student Life

Wellness Ambassadors

Wellness Ambassadors serve to educate the Ohio State student body on wellness resources, how to live healthy lifestyles and ways to achieve their goals through educational presentations and campus events. Wellness Ambassadors are peer health educators who empower students to live healthier, happier, more successful lives through the Ten Dimensions of Wellness.  

Wellness Ambassadors achieve their mission through educational presentations, outreach and events.  

By participating in a Wellness Ambassador activity students will be able to: 

  • Identify and understand how various common behaviors and college health topics positively or negatively affect their well-being at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and population levels 
  • Be able to identify, understand and implement a skill or behavior that enhances their well-being
  • Develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of well-being and health behaviors 
  • Identify, understand and access resources provided by the Student Wellness Center 
  • Identify well-being resources on campus and within the community 

The Student Wellness Center is currently accepting interest forms for volunteers! This is an opportunity to learn more about the Ten Dimensions of Wellness and promote wellness to your peers, learn about topics important to college students’ health and well-being, and gain valuable experiences. Any interested student should complete the Student Wellness Center Interest Form. When the application opens you will be notified. No experience is necessary; all selected students will receive training!

Wellness Ambassador Outreach and Events 

If you are hosting an event on campus related to health and wellness, the Wellness Ambassadors want to collaborate! Wellness Ambassadors can provide resources and education as well as fun activities to accompany your event. See the Events page of our website to learn more. Contact Roger Perkey for more information on programming options. 

Wellness Ambassador Presentations 

If you would like to request a wellness presentation, the Wellness Ambassadors want to collaborate! Wellness Ambassadors can provide presentations on the following topics: alcohol and other drugs, stress management, finances, nutrition, safer sex and relationships, and violence prevention. See the Presentations page of our website to learn more. Contact Roger Perkey for more information.  

About the Wellness Ambassadors 

The Wellness Ambassador Program provides multiple opportunities for students to gain invaluable experience with the topics of Public Health and Health Education. Students interested in serving in the role of Wellness Ambassador will have the opportunity to assist with both Outreach and Tabling events, as well as Presentations for such events as FYSS (First Year Success Series), STEP (Second Year Tranformational Experience Program), and SOEs (Standards of Excellence), in addition to various opportunities to lead programs and workshops for numerous groups across campus.

The Outreach & Events efforts involve weekly BeWell Hut outreach events across campus to  promote the 10 Dimensions of Wellness and important college health topics to the campus community. Volunteers play a significant role in the planning and facilitation of the Student Wellness Center's three Signature Events Series - Love Your Body WeekSexual Assault Awareness Month, and Recovery Month. Participants will gain transferrable skills through group facilitation, public speaking, and outreach planning, as well as becoming much more knowledgeable on the topics of mental health, nutrition, alcohol and other drugs, sex and relationships, and financial wellness. These sessions are required for all interested applicants. 

The Presentation efforts are focused on providing engaging and informative presentations to the undergraduate community grounded in our holistic wellness approach by exploring our 10 Dimensions of Wellness. Volunteers involved in this program may facilitate workshops, presentations, participate in the occasional outreach event, as well as assist with various Signature Events hosted by the SWC (Student Wellness Center). Participants will gain translatable skills through group facilitation, public speaking, and presentation planning, as well as becoming much more knowledgeable on the topics of mental health, nutrition, alcohol and other drugs, sex and relationships, and financial wellness. 

While we utilize multiple approaches to our work, all student volunteers interested in serving as a Wellness Ambassador will have the opportunity to assist with both Presentations and Outreach. For questions about this involvement opportunity, please email Roger Perkey.