Office of Student Life

College Sports Betting in Ohio

Are You Familiar With Recent Sports Betting Updates in Ohio?

College sports betting has been legalized in Ohio through recent legislation, Collegiate Sports Betting Laws (H.B. 29). House Bill 29 legalizes and regulates sports gaming (betting) in Ohio through sports gaming proprietors licensed and regulated by the Ohio Casino Control Commission to offer sports gaming online, at sports gaming facilities, and through terminals located in bars and restaurants. 

So, what does this mean exactly?

  • Requires participants to be at least 21 and to be physically present in Ohio. 
  • Requires the Commission to begin accepting license applications on January 1, 2022, and to begin issuing licenses on April 1, 2022.  
  • Allows betting on any professional sport or athletic event, any collegiate sport or athletic event, any Olympic or international sports competition event, any motor race event, any horse race, or any other special event the Commission authorizes for sports gaming.
  • Prohibits betting on an event that involves athletes or participants who are under 18, unless the Commission authorizes the event for sports gaming.
  • Individuals will be able to begin placing bets starting January 1, 2023; however, specific start dates and offerings may vary between establishments.

How To Bet Safely

This change in policy provides individuals with a new opportunity to engage with sports betting. As students, the chance to place wagers on college sporting events can be very appealing; however, there are some concrete steps one can take to ensure they are practicing safe betting:

  • Set limits on how much you bet 
  • Gamble with money only set aside for entertainment; pay your bills before gambling 
  • Balance recreational gambling with other healthy activities 
  • Know the risks before you bet 
  • Bet only what you can afford to lose 
  • Know when to quit; don’t chase your losses 
  • Realize that knowing more won’t guarantee a win 
  • Never borrow money to play 
  • Understand that everyone loses over time 
  • Play for fun, not just for money; Don’t play to escape, keep gambling a social activity 
  • Never gamble when stressed, depressed, or in recovery 
  • Avoid mixing gambling with alcohol or other substances 
  • Know what’s legal to play in your area 
  • Know where to get help 

Know the Signs: When Recreational Gambling Becomes Problematic

While sports betting can be a fun pastime, it can also involve risk and create problematic behavior for some individuals. If you, or someone you know, exhibit any of the following signs, consider if sports betting may be leading to riskier behaviors:

  • Borrowing for gambling 
  • Lying about how much time or money is being spent on gambling 
  • Hiding time spent gambling, or hiding bills and unpaid debts 
  • Restless or irritable when not gambling 
  • Spending a lot of time gambling, thinking about or planning to gamble 
  • Exaggerating wins and minimizing losses

Why is Problematic Gambling a Concern for College Students?

Research suggests that about 3 in 4 college students have gambled during the past year (legally or illegally). About 1 in 5 students (18%) reported gambling weekly or more frequently. Additionally, research estimates that about 6% of college students engage in problem gambling, which may result in psychological difficulties, unmanageable debt and poor academic outcomes.

  • Young adults are at higher risk for developing gambling disorders than adults
  • Male college students, specifically, are more likely to report gambling in the past year, gambling with more money and having a gambling problem.
  • College students with gambling problems are more likely to engage in other risky behaviors, such as tobacco use, binge drinking and illegal drug use.

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