5 Ways to Create a Safer Campus Environment
Parents and Caregivers
While supporting your loved one is important for a healing process, you are also a human who can be triggered and reminded of things that have happened in your life as well. You are experiencing vicarious trauma by witnessing and assisting and we’re here to support you as well. When we’re in these support system roles, we need to decide what is necessary for us to show up the way we want to. Safety planning for yourself. Do a check in with yourself. Refer to this resource about personal safety planning for more information!
Work with university resources to understand the positive norms around healthy and respectful communication, healthy relationships, and positive campus culture that is supportive and responsive. You can find out more on our wellness education and resources page.
Be sure to have conversations with your student surrounding consent. To better understand the definition and elements of consent, look at Ohio State’s Title IX’s definition, and take a few minutes to watch “Consent is Like a Cup of Tea” or even “Cycling Through Consent” with your student!
Have open conversations about the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. This will help normalize conversations about interpersonal relationships between you all and will lead to them feeling comfortable talking with you about vulnerable situations. If you feel more support is needed on how to have these conversations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Wellness Coordinator, Erica Butler for more guidance!
The number one date rape drug is alcohol, so talking with them about the complications of sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is essential. Drugs and alcohol do not cause or excuse sexual assaults or make the victim responsible for the assault, but they will increase the risk of victimization and perpetration of sexual assaults. Please learn more about alcohol and other drug use at Ohio State on our family education and resources page of our website!
Make sure to check out the downloadable PDF on your right-hand side for the Sexual Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) that provides information about How to Be an Ally to Sexual Assault Survivors.
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5 Ways to Create a Safer Campus Environment

Staff and Faculty
5 Ways to Create a Safer Campus Environment